8 Year Old Shelby

click play | Music: The Best Thing, JJ Heller

This past year has been a big one for our Shelby! She ditched the training wheels on her bike in just one day. She reads like a grown up. She lost her first seven teeth! Then her permanents grew in right away, giving her a whole new smile. She got glasses for school. She makes new discoveries all the time and is beginning to see the world in a new, young-eyed light. Some days it seems that she has gone from a little girl to a little lady overnight. Though, I love that she still remains our free-spirited, make-believe, creative-hearted girl who loves to dance and twirl and sing and march to the beat of her own drum full of sass and sincerity.
Shelby Ann, we love you so! Happy 8th birthday, darling girl!

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