My Brother Nicholas

click play | Music: Growing Up, Kip Moore

I would like you to meet my not-so-little-anymore brother, Nicholas. Most people now call him “Nick,” but not me. I would like to take some time to brag on him. Over the past 10 years, he has been through some really tough stuff. I have seen him struggle with things way beyond his maturity level, weigh pros and cons to make very hard decisions, cram impossible amounts of information into his brain, and deal with things that were absolutely out of his control.

Losing our dad when he was just 18 and a freshman in college has been one of the most gut-wrenching times he has endured. He made it through undergrad with honors and got his first real job only to find he was not loving his pursued degree. Around this time, we were shocked with the tornados that destroyed over half of our hometown, erasing part of what remained from our childhood and memories of Dad. Nicholas was there immediately to aid with cleanup and all the physical and mental aftermath of the devastation.

He has always said he just wants to be able to help people (much like Dad). So, he applied and was accepted into the Physician Assistant program at UNMC in Omaha. Just a few days in, he felt the weight of the world on his shoulders and knew his heart and mind were not in the right place at that time. Even more frustrated, he stepped away from school and decided to try switching gears completely into banking. That worked just fine, he had a good grasp on what he was doing, but his passion just was not there, and living in the city was wearing on him.

After a lot of soul searching on his end and a few long phone calls with me and our mom, he decided he wanted to try PA school again. With hesitation in our voices, we encouraged him to do whatever would make him happy and give him that feeling of purpose. He applied, and by the grace of the administration, he was accepted for a second time, only into the PA-C program in Kearney. This time, classes would be done mainly via satellite and with only about 10 other classmates. The town and atmosphere of Kearney suited him much better.

He and his girlfriend at that time moved to Kearney and into an apartment together. School began, and he quickly overcame many of the fears and doubts he had going into PA school the first time. He found some great friendships with a couple guys in his first classes. Though, a few months in to school, between his rigorous study schedule and her night shifts as a nurse, among other things, it started to strain their relationship and his grades, and unfortunately it did not end well. Though, once on his own again, he was able to center his focus back on school and soon that first grueling year of classwork was over.

In year two, residencies began, and, for the first time ever, he really started to fall in love with what he was doing. It became clear to him which areas he preferred to specialize in. He began a new relationship with a very sweet gal, and the two make the greatest pair in the way they work together and compliment each other. This may be the happiest I have seen him in nearly 10 years.

The weeks and months of living out of a suitcase and working in a new setting every month have kept him on his toes, but he has very much been looking forward to having more stability.

He was offered and accepted a job in orthopedic surgery located in Kearney, presuming he passes his boards. (I have not one doubt that he will.) He bought his first home! And, he and that sweet gal are in a very good place in their relationship. Some would say this is such a bittersweet time for him, but the truth is, there is nothing bitter about it right now. Just sweetness. And he is so deserving of it.

I was talking with Mom, and we agree that we could not be more proud of him. For all that he has endured, persevered through, and never given up, all his hard work is finally paying off. Today, he will graduate as a Physician Assistant, something he has been dreaming of for a very long time.

Nicholas, I am so incredibly proud of you and the humble young man you have become. I am proud to be your big sister, your cheerleader, and your friend. God knew what he was doing when he knit together our family.
I love ya so much!

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