2 Year Old Rhett

click play | Music: Slow Down, Nichole Nordeman

Two years ago this evening, I was snuggling our boy to sleep for the very first time. He melted my heart into a puddle that night, and he has continued to do so pretty much every night since. He is still our most content but can throw a pretty mean scowl with that up-turned eye brow when he’s not happy. His most-used word is “truck,” and that goes for just about anything with wheels, but he is also currently into “choo choos.” He loves to keep up with big sister and brother. It has been so fun to watch all three really begin to have fun together this summer catching butterflies, swinging, riding bikes, and the big kids are always eager to teach him something new – good or bad.
I just love to see his personality blossom and shine.
Happy 2nd birthday, Rhett Ephriam! We love you so!

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