One More

click play | Music: Rainbow, Kasey Musgraves

I feel totally undeserving and very blessed to let you know
we will be completing our family this fall.

Ever since I can remember I knew I wanted to be a wife & a mom.

When I met my Ryan, I was only 20 years old. Looking back now, holy smokes, that seems young to me to be making a life-long decision as big as marriage. But, I knew God had a hand in it, and I trusted that.
Less than two years into our married life, our little girl was born,
and life has wonderfully, chaotically never been the same since.
Then, in a blink, along came our two sweet boys.

Most days I feel like I am doing well to keep up with endless laundry and the dishes and my photography and the applesauce dried to the kitchen floor and getting the big kids up & off to school on time and taming endless meltdowns and keeping everyone in seasonally appropriate clothes & shoes that fit and supper, baths, books, bedtime…you get the point.

But mixed with the mundane daily tasks are the baby’s first steps, birthdays to celebrate (+ cake!), nails to paint, pretend to play, sprinklers to run in, bubbles to blow, sledding on snow days, Halloween costumes to make…
all the reasons I dreamed of having a house full of little Millers.
I feel so grateful to be able to live this life.

Now, one thing I have learned since becoming a mom is that while baby announcements are usually exciting and cute or whitty, they can also sting.
So, mamas-to-be who are not able to share yours just yet,
and maybe you have been waiting weeks, months, years….
please do not give up hope.
Kudos for even reading this post.
Know that as I post this, I am sending up a prayer for you and the little one/s that you will someday hold in your arms and in your heart.

So, while this harvest season will look a little different for our family,
we are sure looking forward to meeting this little one.

As far as my photography, I will be going business-as-usual all summer.
I have four weddings on the books between June-August, and seniors spaces are already beginning to book. I have room for only about 5-6 more. And, I know there will be room for a handful of families and children in there.
Then, this fall, with baby due probably some time in the first week of September, I am hoping to have all sessions shot by the time school starts in mid-August so I can guarantee to have all editing done and as many orders as possible delivered before baby is born. Then, I am seriously considering (but not guaranteeing) a weekend of mini sessions in mid to late October, but that will depend the unpredictable Nebraska weather and
if I am able to keep my head above water at home.

I have learned that precious time with my little ones is fleeting and in less than a few years we will be out of the baby stage and on to the next.
So, while I love all the opportunities I have and great people I get to meet & work with thanks to my photography,
I want to make sure I am fully present for my family.
So, thank you for your support, business, and understanding over the years. I am not going anywhere, just not pushing past my limits in this season.

Love & hugs,

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