Expectant Mama Haylie

I first got to know Haylie as my husband’s cousins’ girlfriend – then fiancé, wife, and now mother to their three darling girls.  Though we live a few hours apart and only see each other a few of times a year, she and I have quickly found we share a lot in common in our mom lives as farm wives.  As Haylie was approaching her due date with #3, we were texting about various things then I got a message that said something like, “I wish you were here.” So, I thought, “Why not?!” On a whim, I packed up our three kids, some food, nail polish, and my camera and headed west.  What a fun day it was!  We ate, wrangled kids, played outside, discussed solving world hunger, gave Haylie a pedicure, and gave ourselves time to just be.  Before it was time to go, I pulled out my camera, and we captured some very sweet moments of her and their two older girls, the third still in her belly at that time.
I’m so glad we had this day.  And, congratulations on the birth of #3, sweet Kenzie Grace.
Here’s to all the tough moments and the ones that melt your heart.  You make one great little mama, Haylie!  And, I’m very thankful to have you as a friend.

Music: Slow Down, Nichole Nordeman

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