3 Month Old Rhett

My littler boy is three months old already!  He is truly the sweetest thing.  We have been blessed with three very good babies, and this little guy is no exception.  He is so laid back and patient with me, until he is hungry.  He sleeps almost through the entire night, and occasionally he makes it all night. He is really starting to coo and “talk” with us, especially his big brother and sister.  They are his absolute favorite, and he is theirs.  Now that he is here, I cannot imagine what life was like without him. It gets more difficult each day to put him down knowing that it was one less day in his baby phase.
Stay little for a while longer, my sweet Rhett!

(I had taken the first dressed-up pictures with his hair slicked down while it was still wet, but it just didn’t look like him.
So, I dressed him again and took a few more shots.
This is currently his hair reality. 🙂 )

Music: The Cuppy Cake Song, 2D Animation

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